Weekend Pictures

February 18, 2009 at 8:32 pm | Posted in Family, Photography | 2 Comments
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Jason somehow figured out how to get my laptop to start up.  Yay!  Here are some pictures of our weekend in Milwaukee…

This is my brother’s dog, Comet (held by my dad).  He is so little and adorable, but he has entirely too much energy.  He’s still puppy-ish, so we’re hoping he’ll grow out of it and calm down a bit.

Sometimes, the dogs love to play.  Other times, my lazy big dogg gets too tired to keep up with the little dog.

At some point in the weekend, we finally got the two dogs to calm down enough when around each other to take naps.  It was awesome.  And so adorable.

It only lasted about 20 minutes.

Then, they were back at it – playing with each other.

I like the sun flares on this one.


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  1. Yes, that little rascal does wear everyone out! Copper slept all day Sun. after having to put up with Comet all day Sat. But he is so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. That little boy is so cute! So is your Dad!!!!

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